
As one of the main motors of the economy the automotive industry is leading regarding the optimisation of business processes as well as the standardisation of components and products and the understanding of quality. This is not only true for the OEMs but often even more for the 1st- and 2nd-tier suppliers that have been under enormous price pressure for many years. In addition to that price pressure in the next years and some big innovation tasks have to be solved. E-mobility, autonomous driving, digitalisation are some of the topics that have to be solved not only by the established players but some new players are enforcing the competition. Together with the automotive players we are working on solutions to get a competitive edge and master the future. Our consultants supported companies like Valeo, faurecia, Bosch, Daimler, Keiper and Schuler when it comes to topics like plant restructuring, optimisation of production and logistics, process oriented organisation, "footprint" and agile projectmanagement.
engineered equipment and project business

To succeed in the strong international competition the manufacturers of engineered equipment are concentrating on innovation and customer specific design. Delta4U is supporting its customers in this sector when it comes to defining innovative products and services as well as adjustment of the organisation and innovative culture. Our consultants did support companies like Schuler, Krauss Maffei, TKMS, Kaefer. Typical Delta4U projects are the optimisation of the production and logistics processes, modular product design, restructuring, global footprint and purchasing.
More frequently we are working on topics like international sales organisation and sales increase programmes based on a focussed and clearly specified business strategy.


Only few sectors have similar demands regarding quality and reliability of the products. The life of many people is depending on that. The sector has a strong project characteristic as well. In fact the products are repetitive but strongly adjusted to the airlines specifics. A lot of the methods and insights coming from the automotive industry can be applied. But they have to be adjusted to the project characterisitcs of the aerospace industry. Our consultants did support customers like E.I.S. Aircraft, Recaro AS and Sell to optimise their production and logistics processes. As well when it comes to purchasing and quality improvement. For the few OEMs in this business the supplier management and the supplier risk management ist most important to secure the supply chain as well as product launches.

The companies in this sector are ranging from small series to volumes producers. Therefore the requirements especially when it comes to logistical processes are very different. In addition the production processes are very different ranging from a highly automated SMD line to rather manual THT and packaging processes. Up to date know-how regarding process optimisation and methodology are necessary to optimise the stability and the effectiveness of the very different processes. Our consultants are privileged to support companies like Landis+Gyr, Pfisterer and Siemens. We do have the knowledge to support this sector starting with the definition of the business strategy, operations strategy to process- and organisation optimisation. Global Footprint optimisation, R+D organisation, production and logistics processoptimisation are typical projects.
Energy Infrastructure

This industry is currently in a big transition process. The challenge during that transition is to jump on the trends regarding technology and political development at the right time. To ensure the development towards regenerative energy production and -distribution investments in a lot of areas are needed. For the next years coming the conventional technologies are still needed and substantially needed. Therefore it has to be optimised and structured in parallel which needs considerable resources. Our consultants are working with customers like Pfisterer, Nordex, Landis+Gyr on topics like "global manufacturing footprint", investment planning, R+D organisation, management of product launches, purchasing. It is very exciting to support and accompany this sector during the time of changes and contribute to the success of its companies.