Delta4U Consultants GmbH
We are the experts for the optimisation of your value-chain and your operations organisation
Delta4U Consultants GmbH are experts for the optimisation of the value chain in production companies. We are focussed on that area of expertise. Within our network of experts we can match the ideal team for you as our customer.
As we do not have to think about the utilisation of our lean organisation we can focus purely on the success of our customer and think only in the interest of our customers by delivering the right consultants.
Since more than 30 years the optimisation of business strategy, organisation structure and processes along the value chain of producing companies with technical products has been the focus of the Delta4U Consultants.
Starting with the product development, along the optimisation of Production- and Logistics processes to the sales and after sales processes we are supporting our customers globally.
In an interdisciplinary approach we can support you in defining or adjusting the most effective business strategy as well as the planning and implementation of:
- modular Product concepts
- global production- and logistics structure, "global footprint"
- effective Production- and Logistics processes
- optimal IT Systems
- Service Strategies
- effective Organisation structures, ...
The long term experience of our consultants, coaches and interim managers in planning and implementing of effective structures and processes is the basis to make you - together with us - even more successful.
Delta4U Consultants is a small Team of consultants, coaches and interim managers with an extensive network of experienced consultants which we will use whenever useful for the success of your task. Most of the consultants know each other since years which leads to a seamless cooperation of the consultants team.
Delta4U Consultants GmbH is not only "brokering" consultants but develops, together with you the right project approach. Then we will "match" the best fitting consultants within our network. We do not have to consider our loading but can solely focus on your success in your interest. Our grasp is that content, methodology and technology are only a part of what we can do for you. In addition connections and trustful cooperation are essential. Together and with shared responsibility for what we want to achieve together we will succeed.
As each and every one of our consultants is either a general consultant or specialised on a topic we have the advantage to be able to assemble a team that can cover a wide range of topics and demands. We are convinced that a well balanced team of general consultants and specialists delivers the best results. This supports the more conceptional tasks of an optimisation project as well as the specifics needed when implementing the defined concepts.
Whatever your task is demanding: Strategic consultant, Production- and Operations Specialist, shop-floor focused "LEAN" consultants, IT Specialist, Purchasing- and Logistics consultant, R+D Specialist ... we do have the right person that suits your demand, task and matches to your team.
Each of our consultants will yield his expertise and creativity to the maximum to succeed in the topic you are entrusting us with.

talk to
Oliver Ruoff